Category: Profile Advice

If you want to meet like minded singles in your area or with the same interests, Love 2 Date Singles is the place to be! Our blog has dating tips and advice for men and women, it includes successful online dating, date ideas, relationship advice, dating news and useful dating tips for those who love to date.

Love to Date Singles is safe and secure - every profile is checked by our friendly customer support team, who are also just a phone call away to help you with any queries or assist you with your online dating experience.

Please note: All of our dating sites are distinct and very different dating experiences. You are free to join one or more if you wish and you will meet very different people in each one.

10 Ways To Ensure Your Online Dating Experience Is A Success
Online dating provides an exciting opportunity to meet singles in your area. However, the success of online dating is not guaranteed. Here is how to ensure you get the best from your online profile and attract the best matches for you.
5 Reasons She's Not Responding To Your Messages
Sending a message through an online dating site may be less intimidating than walking up to someone and asking for a date, but that doesn't necessarily take the sting out of a rejection. There are a variety of reasons that your messages may not get a response; some of which you can fix, and others which have nothing to do with your clever prose or dashingly good looks.
How To Make the Best of Your Profile
In the world of online dating, a profile is your opportunity to make a great first impression. However you've found that creating a profile that conveys the proper message is difficult. You want your profile to highlight your shining personality, startlingly good looks and show stopping sense of humour, without sounding arrogant or desperate.
5 Pieces of Advice for First Time Online Dating
If you’re new to online dating and want to make the most out of your experience, here are 5 valuable pieces advice for the first time online dater.
What Should I Write In My First Message?
Writing your first message can be intimidating, and it can be the difference between getting a first date and being ignored. Read on to discover some quick tips that will help you put together your first message.
Top Ten Starter Tips For New Online Daters
Congratulations, you have decided to join the world of online dating! Online dating is a fantastic opportunity to meet people and build relationships on which you would otherwise miss out. Like anything in life, the world of internet dating comes with its own challenges, guidelines and red flags. Read on to discover ten tips for new online daters.